Juan Hernández

Fullstack Developer

About Me .


I'm a passionate software engineer who loves everything about coding! Paired with my love for books and learning new things, this leads to the development of a wide range of applications across different topics: from the stock market to Zen Tales.

I have experience working in startup-like environments, where being proactive and flexible is key. Wearing multiple hats is not an easy task, but thanks to that experience, I now have a broad set of skills and tools; not only in coding, but also in design, soft skills, and business insights. I take pride in being a true full-stack developer, capable of stepping out of my comfort zone and lending a hand where it's needed.

My latest obsession is product creation in a broad sense. This involves conceiving an idea, investigating its market viability, designing and developing the solution, and then marketing and launching it. Going through all these steps with my own applications has given me a much deeper understanding of the importance of a software engineering job, making me realize the importance of understanding business objectives, even as a developer.

I'm originally from Spain, but for some time now, I've been living and working in the beautiful country of Switzerland. I hope you find everything you need on this website, but if you're curious or have any kind of question, don't hesitate to contact me!





Roast My Web

Improve your website using AI.



Spotify wrapped for books.


Diamond Match

Diamond management and identification.


Stock Market Analysis

Analysis of the main factors that drive returns.

Build In Public

A few months ago, I started sharing my journey on Twitter/ X, where I publicly share how I create and grow my applications. Readstats, Roast My Web, and even this website were created in public, sharing the development with the community at every step! If you are curious about how I managed to create a profitable SaaS in 20 days or what my steps are when building a new product, I recommend you take a look at my account!


Machine Learning Specialization

Standford University - Coursera


Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

Google - Coursera


Advanced (CAE)

Cambridge University


DELF A1 - Certificate of Studies in French Language

Secretariat general ministere education nationale



Christoph Alt

Chief Technology Officer

Christophe Horvath

Chief Product Engineer

Sergio García

Fullstack Developer